Friday, June 11, 2010


I guess I owe our cat, Basil, a public note of thanks for keeping my photo-eye sharp.

With most cats I’ve known, the picture you see here would be an easy “get.” Other cats would sit in a window, watching life outside go by...and they would sit, and sit, and sit. The seasons would change and the cedar tree would grow a foot or two, but other cats would still be sitting there, watching out the window.

With Basil, however, the image was an exercise in Action Photography. Two frames: That’s what I had time to get, before Basil darted away, like a black-furred flash. Off to slay imaginary dragons or some such cat daring-do.

So..."Thanks, Basil...

“Taking pictures of you, Your Swiftness, is like doing Photographic Sprints...

“You keep me in Sports Shooter Shape.”