Tuesday, June 22, 2010
It’s the time of year here when there’s just way too much to do outside. Strawberries are ready to pick in the garden, where there are also weeds that will soon be as tall as Jack's beanstalk if we don't get after them. The house gutters are full of junk that shed off the cedar trees this spring and I need to climb up on the roof and do some clean-up.
Inside? I have many hundreds of wedding pictures that I shot last weekend and those images will require hours and hours of staring-into-the-computer-screen time.
My To-Do List could go on and on and on if I had time to sit down and make such a list...so my response yesterday was to take a deep breath, walk down the gravel lane, and visit the neighbor’s horses, Rusty and Grace.
The shy girl, Grace, peeked at me from behind a tree. Once she recognized who I was (it’s been several weeks since I made the time to wander down to see my four-legged friends) Grace went back to grazing peacefully in her buttercup-filled pasture. Rusty pushed a horse nose into my camera bag, I think looking for carrots that I normally have with me, but, because I was out of horse visiting practice, all I had in my bag was a lens.
Rusty snorted. No carrots? That will never do.
So today I think I will make a list...a one item shopping list with the word “Carrots” scribbled on it. I’m so busy these days that I guess I need a written reminder of what’s most important. In the minds of my horse friends -- as it should be in mine -- carrots really need to be a priority.