Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Cat Cult

I think that I should one day write a book and maybe go on the lefty lecture circuit proposing a new, ultra-edgy witchcraft cult, an admittedly bizarre coming-together of the worship of black cats and the photographic image.

It seemed like every time I turned around this week, our cat, Basil, was doing something that was image-worthy. I began to feel that, more important than a camera or lenses or a quick eye, the photographer on the hunt for images needs to keep a black cat around.

Strong Magic, those black cats. Good photographic juju. I think we photographers should consider putting a black cat in our camera bags. When we find ourselves stuck for subject matter, presto!, pull out the kitty.

Just remember to also to pack your Ansel Adams exposure guide. I can tell you from experience that when you've got a black cat in your image, trying to get detail in the shadows will drive you batty.