Friday, May 2, 2008

Speaking for Sheep

Spring is very much a Bad News/Good News time of year for Smokey, Jupiter and Sweet Pea, the three sheep who live at our place. The Bad News (from a woolly creature point of view): “That lady with the clippers comes around and takes our nice warm fleeces. It’s still chilly out at night. Now we’ll hafta sleep in the barn for the next three weeks.”

The Good News (again, I’m taking the liberty of interpreting for the sheep, based on the contented looks I saw on their faces): “Those spring rains sure make for good grass to eat.”

Unfortunately the shearing process is not an exact science. Sometimes the fleeces come off easily and smoothly; occasionally our sheep-boys are left having to cope with the humility of a Bad Hair Month. This year Sweet Pea particularly looked a bit raggedy, post-shearing. I thought the sheep might enjoy a bit of entertainment. I sang a little song for them:

Baa Baa Shetlands
Have You Any Wool?

Yes Sir, Yes Sir,

Three Bags Full

“Tee-hee-hee,” I giggled.
“Bite Me,” replied Sweet Pea.