Tuesday, January 12, 2016

A Full Day

I'm pretty sure that Saturday, in terms of responsible and sustainable consumerism, I used up more than my fair share of cosmically-allotted digital pixels.  My day began with a ferry ride to Seattle, where I witnessed the foggy sunrise you see above.  That scene duly recorded for my own, ongoing photographic diary, I traveled on to three events I had promised I would shoot for my friends in the Seattle Tibetan community.

I thought that today I would post a bit of a travelogue -- the moments that presented themselves as I went from one event to another, camera in hand.

My first stop (post sunrise) was at the Tibetan Buddhist monastery,  where about a half dozen folks spent the morning cleaning both the inside and outside of the gompa.

My second volunteer shoot of the day took me to a neighborhood near the University of Washington, where a Tibetan lama friend of mine was giving a meditation class. His students were mostly Westerners.

In the evening I was back at the monastery, where the Tibetan community gathered to recite prayers at the request of a gentleman whose mother died recently in Nepal.