Thursday, June 25, 2015

Uninspired? I think not!

The infrequency of my posts here recently might lead one to the conclusion that I've lost interest in this blog. Or that I haven't been doing anything worth sharing. Or that I've been uninspired photographically.

Believe me, none of these things is the case, because the truth is I've been doing a ton-o-stuff -- and seeing, and shooting -- but haven't had the time to sit down and post.

So a quick remedy of that situation is in order.

These are pictures from a hike/climb my friends and I did recently up Vesper Pk in the Cascades.
It was a perfect day, beginning with the sunrise I watched from the ferry on Puget Sound, and continuing as we trekked through a lowland forest, then up into the rocky and snowy high country.

Believe me, no moss is growing under this Pacific Northwest photographer's feet.