Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Garden Art

When it comes to our garden, Leah is the brains of our operation and I’m the hired hand. Garden-wise, I’ve learned that there are three things I need to do around here so that Peace and Tranquility prevail:

1: Be available for a bit of occasional heavy lifting, but only when asked.
2: Perform above heavy lifting without offering opinions to The Little Lady about what might be planted, where and when it might be planted, etc. It’s important that I understand that I’m labor, not management.
3: Not call Leah “The Little Lady.”

Mostly my role is Garden Documentarian. I photograph the amazing things that Leah has grown. This past weekend strawberries and poppies were my subject-matter. The most challenging part about the strawberry picture was to resist scarfing them down before the image was made.