Friday, September 7, 2007

A Post About Nothing

How many times have you said: “Remember that Seinfeld episode where (fill in the blank) happened?”

For the record, I’d like to say up-front that I don’t watch much television, yet I find I have a small dictionary in my head of Seinfeld-isms. (Considering that the average American household has three television sets, me saying “I don’t watch television” seems vaguely similar to a man claiming he reads Playboy “for the articles.”)

A couple of days ago I happened upon a small, dirty pickup truck. A bumper sticker on the truck canopy instantly reminded me of a Seinfeld episode--the show where Calvin Klein tells Kramer “Your buttocks are sublime” and Kramer considers a career as an underwear model. I pulled out my camera and shot a self-portrait (my buttocks are okay.) When Leah saw the photo, she pronounced the image “blog-worthy.” (Remember that Seinfeld episode where Elaine has to decide whether a new boyfriend is “sponge-worthy”?)

I made a short list of some of my favorite Seinfeld-isms (you can do your own analysis of how my brain works.) I like “Serenity Now!,” ”Hipster Doofus,” “You’re Not Chinese!,” and “Show About Nothing.”

Don’t even get me started thinking about “Shrinkage.”