Friday, September 14, 2007

Consumer Profile

As a consumer (albeit a reluctant consumer) in the global economy, I sense that there are many individuals out there (particularly on the Web) who would like to categorize me, to know who I am, so that they might sell me things. To make it easy on the marketers, here are some words about me, and about my Stuff...

Stuff I DON'T have:
Riding lawnmower
Weekend home in the San Juan Islands
Weekend home anyplace
Downhill skis
Any idea how eBay works

Neither do I have:
An addiction to coffee or a Nordstrom credit card (these deficiencies qualify me as counterculture in Seattle.)
A suit
A girlfriend
Insecurities about not having hair

Stuff I DO have:
Wife (same one for 35 years, despite the weirdness in me indicated above.)
Son, unmarried (hence no grandchildren, also mentioned above.)

Further, I possess:
Many good friends
Four bicycles (and fantasies regarding purchase of my next bicycle.)
One 250cc motorcycle
One Ford Focus (and anxiety whenever I burn fossil fuels.)
A comfortable home with a modest view of the Olympic Mountains
Snowshoes (3 pair.)
More camera gear than I need
Allergies (only in the spring.)
A sport coat (hasn’t been worn in years and might not fit.)
Wet-my-pants excitement over an upcoming trip to Nepal
Insecurities about not having hair (I lied above.)