Monday, January 20, 2014

Being There

A friend and I went on a snowshoe trip in the North Cascades one day last week, and we walked through such an amazing landscape -- I'm remembering now the newly-fallen snow we traveled through; and the way there was a bit of mist and fog that came and went throughout the day; and the quality of light that I saw -- that I spent much of that hike talking to my photographer self, out-loud: “Oh my. Oh my.”

I made hundreds of images that day, but often, in spite my best photographic efforts, I felt like what I shot was am unworthy representation of what I was seeing and experiencing. 

You just kind of had to be there.  And -- though it feels silly to “rank” such things -- last Wednesday might have been one of the top five or 10 days, visually, that I have spent in the mountains in the  nearly 40 years I have lived in Washington state.

Oh my, oh my, oh my.