Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Season for the Senses

This is a wonderful time of year for those of us who tend to be sensual -- and I’m not talking "sensual" in the pop-culture, Cosmo magazine use of the word. What I am saying is this:

The garden is kind of winding down. A lot of the summer’s salad greens have been eaten and the produce has been picked, but you wander past the raspberry bushes and you find one, single berry still remaining. You pop that berry into your mouth and you think: This is the best thing I’ve ever tasted. Or...

You sometimes go for walks in quiet, peaceful places, and you are the sort who gets it that the sounds and smell of dry leaves, crunching under foot, are part of the essential experience the season. Or...

You are appreciative of the gift of sight -- you use your eyes to sometimes look around and really see -- and experience from past years tells you that the curtain is about to go up for the best light show on Earth.

Everywhere I go these days, there are things to photograph...but better still, there are tastes and sounds and smells unique to this season.

Each day offers something to savor.