Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Puppy High

Call me a busybody, but when I found out that one of our neighbors has five new puppies at her place, I put the word out around here that a mass visitation was in order, and several of us dropped by, Welcome Wagon-style, to say howdy to the newcomers.

Oh man! there’s nothing better than PUPPIES to improve one’s day! I’ve been spending most of my time this week indoors, chained to my computer, not getting much fresh air...and I’ve certainly not had an opportunity to take in the sweetest air to be found on this planet: Puppy Breath!

Throughout our visit, my neighbors and I were nose-smudged and licked to the n’th degree, and today we’re all High on Life. As I sit here typing, there are not enough exclamation points or computer-generated smiley-faces in this world for me convey what a warm and fuzzy time we had, lovin’ up them PUPPIES.

Puppies, you ROCK!!!