Thursday, September 11, 2008

Lost and Found

Sometimes it might be a good thing if a photographer (me, for example) is not too well-organized when it comes to the filing of images. Not long ago I was digging through the ragtag collection of boxes that pass for my image storage system. I was looking for one set of pictures when I came upon some others--pictures I’d forgotten about.

Though the photographs you see here won’t make it into my all-time Greatest Hits album, I’m glad I unearthed them. I like the light and the shapes in the images, and I certainly enjoyed the trip to Southern Arizona where the pictures were made.

It’s not easy for photographers to separate how we feel about images from the experience we had in making them--which I guess this is why God invented Picture Editors. A good editor can be the clear-eyed individual who tells a photographer what’s good and what’s not, without the complicated emotional attachment a shooter can have for an image because it was hard to get, or the people in the photograph were pleasant, or the weather was wonderful.

A picture editor might also tell me my filing system needs some work, at which point I'd be reminded what an uneasy alliance sensitive-artist-photographers have with know-it-all editors.