Friday, June 20, 2008


I seem to have made a new friend.

The big brown horse being pastured over at Gene’s comes out to visit with me now, whenever I pass by the place where he is grazing. He stands quietly and peacefully while I pet him on the face and tell him what a fine fellow he is, but if I pull the camera from my pocket--he has amazing big eyes that might make an interesting picture--he snorts and turns his head away.

My friend is camera shy.

Then again, maybe he’s trying to teach me something about being aware in the moment, not removed from it. Could this horse be so wise that he realizes that if I’m petting him and making photographs, my attention is divided, if only a little?

I’ll ask him about that next time we have one of our visits, but I don’t really expect him to give me an answer. I think my friend might be one of those teachers who understands that if he waits patiently, the student will figure things out on his own.